What are the risks of using improper ergonomics while gaming?

Gaming is a popular pastime for people of all ages. Unfortunately, improper ergonomics can lead to serious health risks, such as carpal tunnel syndrome, neck and back pain, and vision problems. It is important to take the necessary steps to ensure that you are using the correct ergonomics when gaming.

What are the Risks of Improper Ergonomics?

When gaming, it is important to make sure that you are using the correct posture and equipment. Poor posture can lead to muscle strain and pain, as well as fatigue. Sitting for long periods of time can also lead to poor circulation and increased risk of developing carpal tunnel syndrome. Additionally, using the wrong type of equipment, such as an uncomfortable chair or a low-quality keyboard and mouse, can lead to further health risks.

Tips for Proper Ergonomics

The most important thing to remember when gaming is to take regular breaks. Get up and move around every 30 minutes or so. Make sure that your chair is comfortable and supportive, and that your monitor is at eye level. You should also use a good quality keyboard and mouse that fit your hand size. Finally, make sure that your wrists are in a neutral position when typing or using the mouse.


Improper ergonomics can lead to serious health risks when gaming. To ensure that you are using the correct ergonomics, take regular breaks, use a comfortable chair, and use a good quality keyboard and mouse. To help you stay on track, consider using BLiiNK, an AI powered desktop app that helps computer users avoid and reduce the negative impacts of computer usage.

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