Preventing Text Neck from Smartphone Use

Text neck is a condition caused by prolonged use of smartphones and other electronic devices. It is characterized by neck pain, headaches, and other neck-related issues. With the rise of technology, text neck is becoming more and more common. If you use your smartphone often, it is important to take steps to reduce the risk of developing text neck.

The first step to reducing the risk of text neck is to maintain good posture while using your phone. Make sure your neck is in a neutral position and your head is not tilted forward or backward. You should also take frequent breaks to give your neck and back a rest. During these breaks, try stretching your neck and shoulders to relieve tension.

Another way to reduce the risk of text neck is to limit your smartphone use. Try to limit yourself to using your phone for a certain amount of time each day. This will help you to avoid spending too much time hunched over your phone. Additionally, it is important to keep your phone at eye level when using it. This will help to keep your neck in a neutral position.

Finally, using a hands-free device can help to reduce the risk of text neck. This will allow you to keep your phone at eye level and keep your neck in a neutral position. Additionally, using a hands-free device will also help to limit your smartphone use.

By following these tips, you can reduce the risk of developing text neck from prolonged smartphone use. Additionally, using a desktop app like BLiiNK can help you to reduce the negative impacts of computer usage. BLiiNK is an AI powered desktop app that helps computer users to avoid and reduce the negative impacts of computer usage. To learn more about BLiiNK and download the app, visit

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